

Down Payment, Loan Duration

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My consent to Marketing communications
I agree that MD-Bavaria Žilina, s.r.o. (Bytčická 82 010 01 Žilina) processes and uses my personal data (such as contact and personal information including date of birth and driving license type, hobbies and interests) for customer care and selected communication regarding product and service information of BMW Group as well as market research. MD-Bavaria Žilina, s.r.o. may also transfer this data to subsidiaries and contractors who may use my data and contact me for the above purposes. These subsidiaries may provide each other with updates.

Preferred contact channel

I agree that personal data be used to create an individual customer profile using the statistical process. Thanks to this profile, I will receive marketing communications with content that is relevant to me, e.g. personalized offers from the company BMW Slovenská republika s.r.o. and certain subsidiaries as well as certain contractors and workshops (my preferred dealer, my car purchase partners, service or consultation visits, or my regional partner). Also, I agree to the transfer of the customer profile by BMW Slovenská republika s.r.o. to certain subsidiaries and my contract partners and workshops and that these companies contact me with content that is relevant to me. Where available, the following information that I have provided or that has been generated by my use of products or services of the company BMW Slovenská republika s.r.o., certain subsidiaries and contractors and workshops may be used in profile creation: contact details (such as name, address, email address); additional information/preferences (such as preferred dealers, hobbies); identification data (such as customer number, contract number); customer history (such as the receipt of offers, vehicle purchase details, vendor information); vehicle data (such as usage data from the BMW Connected application: mileage, range); application / homepage / social media data (such as myBMW or myMINI online account usage data). A complete list of the data of these categories is given here.

Change requests for declaration of consent and right of withdrawal. more-info

I can withdraw my consent with the above at any time, with the effect pertaining to the future. Upon consent withdrawal, my customer profile will no longer be processed, and I will no longer receive marketing materials. In addition, I have the option to request information about my data stored with MD-Bavaria Žilina, s.r.o. / BMW Slovenská republika s.r.o., as well as to rectify, delete or block access to my personal information through the following communication channels. More information regarding processing of my personal data and my rights are available in the Privacy policy at the following address.

Contact +421 41 507 2821, link to the personal data protection policy online

Contact Customer Service BMW +421 (2) 60 20 20 80,
link to privacy policy.

Thank you for your interest in the BMW world. After completing and submitting the following form, our staff will contact you.


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